Publications by Type: European Centre reports


Simulation of an application of the Hartz-IV reform in Austria

European Centre reports

The report presents the fiscal implications together with the distributional effects and the impact on risk of poverty of a similar reform in Austria.


The social dimension of the EU

European Centre reports

Benchmarking in the social dimension has its pitfalls when focusing on purely quantitative target-setting. Thus, benchlearning processes are suggested, in which analysing the causes for societal challenges, learning from others and action-taking stand in the forefront.


Bridge Building: Knowledge exchange in social welfare policy and research

European Centre reports

The publication compiles Workshop papers presented at the Launch event ‘Building Bridges in social welfare policy in Eastern Europe’ (19 September 2016; Vienna).



Recent changes in housing policies and their distributional impact across Europe

European Centre reports

The report explores how housing allowances and mortgage interest tax relief have evolved, against the background of falling disposable incomes and rising housing costs. Market developments and policy responses in European countries are covered.



The impact of the financial crisis on unmet needs for healthcare

European Centre reports

This report explores the extent to which there has been an increase in unmet needs due to affordability and unavailability of services before and during the recent financial and economic crisis and identifies vulnerable social groups.
