Publications by Year: 2016

The view from within: ‘Good’ care from the perspective of care professionals

Policy brief

How to define and measure high-quality LTC? Care professionals regard multidisciplinary dialogue, case management, time for interaction with users, and a more holistic approach to care as needed but certain framework conditions hinder development in these areas.


Wie sich der öffentliche Raum gesundheitsfördernd gestalten lässt

Books & contributions to books

Ein kooperativ gestalteter öffentlicher Raum fördert mit den Worten der WHO “das Wohlbefinden” der Kooperierenden, so wie der ihn Nutzenden. Darüber hinaus trägt er zur gesellschaftlichen Integration bei und hat eine demokratiepolitische Funktion.


Recent changes in housing policies and their distributional impact across Europe

European Centre reports

The report explores how housing allowances and mortgage interest tax relief have evolved, against the background of falling disposable incomes and rising housing costs. Market developments and policy responses in European countries are covered.


Juggling family and work

Policy brief

On the one hand, structural factors are crucial in convincing caring employees to take up care leaves. On the other hand, societal and psychological considerations are found to be at least equally important, e.g. to reduce stigma for caregivers at the workplace.
