The European Centre employs a team of international researchers and policy analysts with different academic background such as economics, health policy, social policy, and political science.
Research activities within the Centre are organised into three research teams:
The European Centre teams design, coordinate and implement projects in the fields of
Within these fields, we have specific key competences and apply key methods (please use left column for navigation).
We plan, monitor, and evaluate initiatives, policies and programmes in social welfare at different governance levels (e.g. at local, regional, national and international level). We involve users and policymakers in research, network with different stakeholders and contribute to social policy & stakeholder dialogue.
The European Centre team applies a wide range of social scientific methods in quantitative and qualitative research. We use various formats such as secondary analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal micro data (e.g. LFS, EU-SILC, SHARE), literature reviews, interviews, case-studies, focus groups, workshops, and training.