Publications by Type: European Centre reports


Analytical paper: Towards piloting Integrated Case Management in Uzbekistan

European Centre reports

The paper suggests the establishment of an Integrated Case Management model in Uzbekistan, initially focusing on persons with disability, including a pilot implementation in Tashkent.


Driver Survey - Final Report

European Centre reports

This report presents the findings of the project "Driver Survey - Working conditions and collective action in the platform-mediated, ride-hailing sector and beyond" which aimed at collecting new data on taxi drivers in three large Austrian cities (Vienna, Graz, Salzburg) via an online survey and to compare the results with the experience of platform workers in other sectors in Austria.


Final Report: Informal Care and Employment in Upper Austria

European Centre reports

This report analyses the situation of informal carers and employment in Upper Austria. Based on different surveys and interviews, the report estimates the number of informal carers in employment in Upper Austria and describes the challenges they face.


JUSTMIG Background Report

European Centre reports

The JUSTMIG project examines temporary labour migration trends and the employment of migrant workers on fixed-term contracts across six EU countries and three EU Candidate Countries, which are third countries of origin for many workers. This report focuses on the case of Austria, which is an important receiving country for temporary labour migration.


Analysis of the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery for persons with disabilities

European Centre reports

This analytical report examines the state system in Uzbekistan to promote an integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery for persons with disabilities.
