Publications by Type: Books & contributions to books


Gesundheit als höchstes Gut?

Books & contributions to books

Dieser Artikel untersucht die Verbindung zwischen der wissenschaftlichen Debatte über Konzepte des guten Alterns und der Verwendung der Schlagworte durch wissenschaftliche Laien. 


Access to information on the posting of workers

Books & contributions to books

This book presents the issue of access to information in the posting of workers. The authors identify and assess the practices and challenges of construction companies involved in the posting of workers.


A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy

Books & contributions to books

Kai Leichsenring and Alexandre Sidorenko have edited a book that takes stock of and opens new perspectives to salient issues at the interfaces of ageing and social policy. Based on contributions of more than 30 well-known interdisciplibary scholars from gerontology, economy, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences they propose a future-oriented research agenda designed to inform and stimulate social policy responses to ageing and longevity.



Institutional partnerships to promote innovation in labour market and social policy

Books & contributions to books

The book chapter discusses a specific form of professional relationship between actors in labour market and social policy, namely partnership. Partnership can be distinguished from other common forms, such as coordination and cooperation, by a close relationship between partners. Partnerships are recognised as drivers of (social) innovation at the EU level, in particular in labour market and social policy.


The Covid-19 Pandemic in Austria

Books & contributions to books

This chapter presents the experiences of a country with a well-established welfare state during the Covid crisis. Austria’s labour market, key infrastructures and health system were stabilised by unprecedented policy measures. However, the pandemic also highlighted a number of major shortcomings of the regulatory framework of social and health policy responses. A special focus is being put on long-term care as this sector has been hit particularly hard in terms of mortality, related structural shortcomings and political debates.
