Past Events

Demographic changes in BB countries: challenges, opportunities and responses


The eighth BBinar focused on the demographic changes in BB countries, the challenges they pose, what opportunities may arise, and what are the possible policy responses.


A Research Agenda for Opportunities of Rising Longevity and Developing Long-Term Care Systems

In our series of international seminars discussing ‘A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy’, this online event highlighted another two key issues of ageing and social policy - on the one hand, the myth of the demographic deficit was challenged by Sarah Harper and Yanan Zhang, on the other hand, Giovanni Lamura and Henk Nies highlighted the research needs in the area of long-term care. 


A Research Agenda for an Ageing Workforce and Shifting Social Relations in Times of Digitalization

In our series of international seminars discussing ‘A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy‘ this online event highlighted another two key issues of ageing and social policy - the ageing workforce in times of digitalization and shifting social relations and family patterns connected to population ageing.




A Research Agenda Against Ageism and for Active Ageing

In our series of international seminars discussing ‘A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy‘ this online event highlighted two key issues of ageing and social policy - combating ageism and promoting active ageing. Clemens Tesch-Römer and Liat Ayalon presented cultural and societal patterns of age-related discrimination and their impact on social and public policies, and they proposed research to expand the evidence base. Oxana Sinyavskaya then followed with an analysis of the active ageing concept that has shaped social policies around ageing over the past decades. Synthesizing scientific and political perspectives, she revealed the needs for further research and policy development.


A Research Agenda for Digitalisation and Population Ageing

Alexander Peine, Anne Meissner and Anna Wanka will present findings from their chapter on digitalisation in the book ‘A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy’. Starting from a critical view on ‘technological solutions’ promoted by policymakers to address problems of ageing, they explore technology and innovation policy as an important arena that makes ageing and shapes social policies.
