This very first research note published by the European Centre presents the study on the working conditions of app-mediated food delivery workers (riders) in Austria conducted by us and financed by the “Digitalisierungsfonds Arbeit 4.0" of the Chamber of Labour Vienna.
The Peer Review Moldova Report on “Social Assistance Benefit - The design of the social assistance benefit in Moldova: Improving targeting and supporting employment” was drafted based on the host and peer country information provided and discussions held during the peer review which took place 6-7 September 2022 (online).
This research note presents novel data collected on attitudes, experiences, and expectations on LTC of individuals living in Moldova and the policy implications for the further development of the Moldovan LTC system.
This report documents the outcomes of the peer learning dialogue (hereafter PLD) on challenges and solutions in preventing, detecting and proving undeclared work in new forms of work, such as work through digital labour platforms.