Publications by Type: European Centre working papers


Discussion paper: Building resilient social protection systems for all

European Centre working papers

This discussion paper presents an overview of key challenges and trends in the UNECE region in four policy areas relevant to the Social Protection and Inclusion Research team at the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research: 1) Social assistance and minimum income policies, 2) Child and family policies, 3) Disability policies and social support services, and 4) Housing policies. 



Discussion paper: Caring Societies: The Future of Long-Term Care

European Centre working papers

The second discussion paper, written by the Health and Care team at the European Centre, starts with a portrayal of key challenges connected to changes in the demand and supply of long-term care (LTC). In particular, the authors highlight changes in the quantity and quality of care needs, shortages in the LTC workforce as well as unfavourable working conditions in the sector, and challenges associated with informal caregiving.


Discussion Paper: Developments and Future Prospects in the World of Work

European Centre working papers

This first discussion paper, written by the Employment and Labour Mobility Team of the European Centre, presents an overview of the state of research and policy analysis pertaining to the developments and prospects in the world of work and draws parallels with the European Centre’s contributions.



Work for all? Costs and distributional effects of a job guarantee for the long-term unemployed in Austria

European Centre working papers

As a contribution to the ongoing debate, this study uses the EUROMOD microsimulation model to calculate the net costs of a job guarantee for the long-term unemployed in Austria and the effect of such a guarantee on poverty and inequality.



Literature review: Definitions, models and dimensions of good practices

European Centre working papers

Being the first Working Paper of the project “Mapping promising social services and policy measures to support the independent living of older people”, this literature review investigates the existing models and tools to define, evaluate and transfer a good practice.
