Publications by Type: Books & contributions to books


Well-being of older people in ageing societies

Books & contributions to books

This book studies how ageing factors such as ill health and disability become ever more important in determining the personal well-being of older people. These factors have financial implications not captured by an analysis of pension income alone.



Mainstreaming ageing

Books & contributions to books

The book is an outcome of the project Mainstreaming Ageing: Indicators to Monitor Implementation (MA:IMI) of MIPAA and RIS for the first review and appraisal cycle of the United Nations Regional Commission for Europe (UNECE).



Divide and pacify

Books & contributions to books

This book shows how reforming governments in Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have been able to prevent massive waves of strikes and protests by the strategic use of welfare state programs such as pensions and unemployment benefits.



Integrating health and social care services for older persons

Books & contributions to books

The book emerged from a project on integrated health and social care for older persons. After a first book in March 2004, this volume draws on the second project phase that consisted in empirical fieldwork and a cross-national analysis of model ways of working.



Transforming disability welfare policies

Books & contributions to books

This book is the outcome of an international conference on ‘Transforming Disability into Ability’. The conference addressed key challenges in disability policy and discussed OECD policy recommendations.
