Publications by Type: Books & contributions to books


Cultures of care in aging

Books & contributions to books

This book shows the relation between care-dependent and caregiver(s), the impacts on the family and the larger social context, as well as socio-cultural and political aspects underlying the growing need for and the practice of formal and informal care.



Wie sich der öffentliche Raum gesundheitsfördernd gestalten lässt

Books & contributions to books

Ein kooperativ gestalteter öffentlicher Raum fördert mit den Worten der WHO “das Wohlbefinden” der Kooperierenden, so wie der ihn Nutzenden. Darüber hinaus trägt er zur gesellschaftlichen Integration bei und hat eine demokratiepolitische Funktion.



The future of welfare in a global Europe

Books & contributions to books

The European welfare state is generally considered to be one of the finest achievements of the post-1945 world. However, it has come under increasing strain from ageing societies, growing unemployment, a deskilling society, and mass migration.



Welfare in an idle society?

Books & contributions to books

“With his Welfare in an Idle Society? Bernd Marin has set a ‘gold standard’. Congratulations! Nobody who will give new thoughts to re-designing Social Security can go past this encyclopaedic opus.” (Bert Rürup)


Long-term care in Europe

Books & contributions to books

Building on ample research in 13 European countries, evidence is provided for how the construction of long-term care systems can be taken forward by practitioners, policy-makers and stakeholder organizations.
