Publications by Type: Books & contributions to books


Occupational safety and health vulnerabilities of posted workers in the EU

Books & contributions to books

This chapter is a contribution to the book "Posted Workers. La condizione dei lavoratori in distacco transnazionale in Europa" and it focuses on the under-researched topic of occupational safety and health vulnerabilities (OSH) of posted workers across the EU.


The posting of workers in Austria. Working conditions, rule enforcement, and the fight against social dumping

Books & contributions to books

This chapter is a contribution to the book "Posted Workers. La condizione dei lavoratori in distacco transnazionale in Europa" and it focuses on posting in Austria by giving an overview of the posting trends, the governance system, and the main challenges in the Austrian context, specifically wage and social dumping, OSH, and rule enforcement, before providing a few concluding remarks.



Applying ideal types in long-term care analysis

Books & contributions to books

Kai Leichsenring contributed a chapter to Christian Aspalter’s ‘Ideal types in comparative social policy’ in which he applies ideal types to long-term care analysis and emerging systems in a global context. 



Implementation of Article 19 of the CRPD in Hungary and its impact on the deinstitutionalisation process so far

Books & contributions to books

This chapter discusses the implementation of Article 19 of the CRPD in Hungary. It studies why institutional care for persons with disabilities is still persistent in Hungary and describes the challenges encountered in the deinstitutionalisation process.



Social Support and Long-Term Care for Older People

Books & contributions to books

The present chapter addresses the potentials of social innovation and active ageing approaches in the area of long-term care for older people. Key drivers and barriers of innovative programmes and practices have been identified.
