Kai Leichsenring

Executive Director


DPhil (Dr. phil.) in Political Sciences and Communication Research, University of Vienna (Austria)


German (mother tongue), English, French, Italian


Phone: +43 1 319 45 05-12
E-mail: leichsenring@euro.centre.org


Comparative social policy, integrated care, ageing & society, new public management and social services, quality improvement in health and social care, long-term care systems: their identity, policies, structures, pathways, management and resources, people - and their links with the health system


  • Leichsenring, K. & A. Sidorenko (Eds.) (2024). A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

  • Leichsenring, K., Kadi, S., Schmidt, A.E. & H. Staflinger (2023). The Covid-19 Pandemic in Austria: With Special Reference to Migrant Care Workers, pp. 275-294 in Aspalter, C. (Ed.), Covid-19 PandemicProblems Arising in Health and Social Policy. Singapore: Springer.

  • Kadi, S., Pot, M., Simmons, C., Leichsenring, K. & H. Staflinger (2023). Young Carers und Young Adult Carers in Oberösterreich. Status quo, Handlungsfelder und Lösungsansätze. Linz und Wien: Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich & Europäisches Zentrum für Wohlfahrtspolitik und Sozialforschung.

  • Leichsenring, K., Kadi, S. & C. Simmons (2022). Making the Invisible Visible: The Pandemic and Migrant Care Work in Long-Term Care. Social Sciences, 11: 326. https://doi.org/10.3390/ socsci11080326

  • Leichsenring, K., Schmidt, A.E. & H. Staflinger (2021). Fractures in the Austrian model of long-term care: What are the lessons from the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic?, Journal of Long-Term Care, 33-42. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31389/jltc.54

  • Leichsenring, K. (2021). Applying Ideal Types in Long-Term Care Analysis, pp. 187-206 in Aspalter, C. (Ed.) Ideal Types in Comparative Social Policy. London: Routledge.

  • Tello, J.E., Pardo-Hernandez, H., Leichsenring, K., Rodrigues, R., Ilinca, S., Huber, M., Yordi Aguirre, I. & E. Barbazza (2020). A services delivery perspective to the provision of long-term care in Portugal. Public Policy Portuguese Journal, Vol. 5(1), 8-25.

  • Schulmann, K., Reichert, M. & K. Leichsenring (2019). Social support and long-term care for older people: the potential for social innovation and active ageing, pp. 255-286 in Walker, A. (Ed.), The future of ageing – making an asset of longevity. Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan.

  • Nies, H. & K. Leichsenring (2018). Concepts and strategies of quality assurance in care for older people, pp. 347-371 in Boll, T., Ferring, D. & J. Valsiner (Eds.), Cultures of care in aging. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.