Publications by Type: Books & contributions to books


Providing integrated health and social care for older persons

Books & contributions to books

The book provides an overview on European approaches towards integrated social and health care services and policies; furthermore, it provides indicators for successful approaches and models of good practice to overcome the "social-health-divide".



Understanding social inclusion in a larger Europe. An open debate

Books & contributions to books

Since 2001, all EU Member States developed bi-annual National Action Plans for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion (NAPincl). The EU indicators in the field of poverty and social exclusion monitor the achievements of these National Action Plans.


European disability pension policies

Books & contributions to books

The longer-term sustainability of social insurance systems has become a major issue in all European countries. The debate is generally dominated by a focus on the rising costs of old-age pensions, driven by rapidly changing population age structures.


Behindertenpolitik zwischen Beschäftigung und Versorgung

Books & contributions to books

Der vorliegende Bericht liefert eine systematische Analyse des breiten Spektrums an Arbeitsmarktmaßnahmen und Programmen zur sozialen Sicherung für Menschen mit Behinderungen.


Facts and figures on disability welfare

Books & contributions to books

The report provides a pictographic portrait of an OECD report: share of the population disabled; numbers of people with disability benefits; trends over time; men and women affected by work incapacity; expenditures; employment exclusion, etc.
