

Welfare in an idle society?

“With his Welfare in an Idle Society? Bernd Marin has set a ‘gold standard’. Congratulations! Nobody who will give new thoughts to re-designing Social Security can go past this encyclopaedic opus.” (Bert Rürup)


Long-term care in Europe

Building on ample research in 13 European countries, evidence is provided for how the construction of long-term care systems can be taken forward by practitioners, policy-makers and stakeholder organizations.


The impact of the financial crisis on unmet needs for healthcare

This report explores the extent to which there has been an increase in unmet needs due to affordability and unavailability of services before and during the recent financial and economic crisis and identifies vulnerable social groups.


The indirect costs of long-term care

The research note presented here provides an overview of existing research into the effects of caring on the employment and health of carers, and into the benefits already available to carers in Europe. These include care services, cash benefits and leave for carers.



Facts and figures on healthy ageing and long-term care

This publication from the European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research (Vienna) is the result of the joint effort of a group of authors from the ECV, Istituto Nazionale di Ricovero e Cura per Anziani (INRCA) and WHO Regional Office for Europe*.
