Publications by Type: Peer reviewed articles


‘I like money, I like many things’. The relationship between drugs and crime from the perspective of young people in contact with criminal justice systems

Peer reviewed articles

This paper aims to update and elaborate on the relationship between drug use and offending behaviours by exploring variations within a cross-national sample of drug-experienced young people in touch with criminal justice systems.



Eurohealth issue on Enhancing the sustainability of long-term care

Peer reviewed articles

This project aimed to synthesize existing evidence on cost-effectiveness of interventions in long-term care. Several articles cover the topics of personalization, prevention and rehabilitation, unpaid care and migrant carers.


Exploring improvement plans of fourteen European integrated care sites for older people with complex needs

Peer reviewed articles

Integrated care programmes provide care to older people living at home. Plans to improve existing ways of working were designed, implemented and evaluated to enlarge the understanding of what works and with what outcomes when improving integrated care.



Developing integration around primary care: new professional roles and emerging professions in integrated care delivery

Peer reviewed articles

Continuity, comprehensiveness and coordination are key functions of primary care, as set out in the Declaration of Alma-Ata. Therefore, primary care systems must play a key role in integrating care not only within but also across health and social care systems.


It’s better together!

Peer reviewed articles

This article is an exploratory investigation of chronic diseases and how to address them based on data gathered from four expert groups, each focused on a common risk factor for chronic disease: smoking, alcohol consumption, unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle.
