Publications by Type: Peer reviewed articles


Life course pathways into intergenerational caregiving

Peer reviewed articles

Ricardo Rodrigues and Selma Kadi have published an article titled "life course pathways into intergenerational caregiving" in The Journals of Gerontology - Series B. The article is co-authored with colleagues from the University of Ljubljana.


Community-dwelling older adults and their informal carers call for more attention to psychosocial needs –

Peer reviewed articles

This research includes data from the Det_Caremix project in the newest article (open access) published by Selma Kadi and Ricardo Rodrigues together with colleagues from Jyväskylä University, University of Ljubljana and Tampere University in the Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics.



Fractures in the Austrian Model of Long-Term Care

Peer reviewed articles

The COVID-19 pandemic highlights limitations of long-term care (LTC) systems in Europe, which continue to be divided between health and social care, and between formal and informal care. This article focuses on Austria’s LTC sector and its critical features that became visible during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic.



A services delivery perspective to the provision of long-term care in Portugal

Peer reviewed articles

Older people have highly diversified health and social care needs. This study set out to develop a comprehensive overview of long-term care in Portugal from a services delivery perspective that dually captures health and social services.


Partnerships for the Goals: Beyond SDG 17

Peer reviewed articles

Partnership (Goal 17) is central to meeting the targets of the 17 SDGs that make up the UN Agenda for 2030. This article suggests that partnership needs to be articulated as a more vibrant vehicle for supporting the transformations needed to attain the Goals.
