Publications by Type: Peer reviewed articles


Gender differences in access to community-based care: a longitudinal analysis of widowhood and living arrangements

Peer reviewed articles

This article investigates how widowhood and living arrangement transitions are associated with the use of home and community-based long-term care among older European women and men with care needs.


Care Task Division in Familialistic Care Regimes: A Comparative Analysis of Gender and Socio-Economic Inequalities in Austria and Slovenia

Peer reviewed articles

This article focuses on how the distribution of care tasks between formal and informal carers has a significant impact on the well-being of carers and on how efficiently care is delivered to users. It explores how task division in care for older people differs between two neighboring countries with different forms of familialism: Slovenia (prescribed familialism) and Austria (supported familialism).


Making the invisible visible

Peer reviewed articles

This article aims to present how the pandemic has made hidden inequalities in live-in migrant care work more visible in Austria, Italy and Spain.


Posted Workers to Austria: An Unstoppable Trend?

Peer reviewed articles

Article by Danaj and Geyer published in the Special Issue on Posting by CESifo Forum


Does the family care best?

Peer reviewed articles

This article aims to examine the role of the family in the care culture of a familialistic care regime through the experiences of care dyads combining upwards intergenerational family care and formal care services.
