Selma Kadi



PhD in Sociology, Teesside University (United Kingdom)


German (mother tongue), English


Phone: +43 1 319 45 05-24


long-term care policy, integrated care, development of long-term care systems, social innovation in long-term care, informal caregiving, unmet care needs, experiences of caregiving and care receiving, migration and long-term care, quality of long-term care, gender inequality and long-term care, participative approaches, qualitative methods, concepts of ageing well, ageing and addiction, concepts of health, technology and ageing, geroethics, ageing and social inequalities, intersectionality


Kadi, S., Ehni, HJ. (2024) Gesundheit als höchstes Gut? Schlagworte des guten Alterns in subjektiven Perspektiven in: Pfaller, L., Schweda, M. (eds) “Successful Aging”? Altern & Gesellschaft. Springer VS, Wiesbaden

Leichsenring, K., Kadi, S., Schmidt, A.E., Staflinger, H. (2023). The Covid-19 Pandemic in Austria: With Special Reference to Migrant Care Workers. In: Aspalter, C. (eds) Covid-19 Pandemic. Springer, Singapore. 

Leichsenring. K., Kadi, S., Simmons, C. (2022). Making the Invisible Visible: The Pandemic and Migrant Care Work in Long-Term Care. Social Sciences 11(8), 326. 

Kadi, S., Rodrigues, R., Kahlert, R., Nigischer, S., Bauer, G. (2022). Does the family care best? Ideals of care in a familialistic care regime. Journal of Social Policy, 1-18. Available online, 30 March.

Van Aerschot, L., Kadi, S., Rodrigues, R., Filipovic Hrast, M. Hlebec, V., Aaltonen, M. (2022). Community-dwelling older adults and their informal carers call for more attention to psychosocial needs – Interview study on unmet care needs in three European countries. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. Available online, 4 March 2022.

Rodrigues, R., Filipovic Hrast, M., Kadi, S., Cerar, M., Hlebec, V. (2022). Life course pathways into intergenerational caregiving. The Journals of Gerontology Series B. Available online, 05 February 2022.

Kadi, S. & Ehni, H.-J. (2021). Alt und suchtkrank? Medizinethische Aspekte der Vernachlässigung von Substanzabhängigkeit im Alter [Old and addicted? Aspects of the neglect of substance addiction in later life from a medical ethics perspective]. Zeitschrift für medizinische Ethik 67(1), 87-101.

Ehni, H.-J., Schermer, M., Venkatapuram, S., Kadi, S. (2018). Toward a Global Geroethics – Gerontology and the Theory of the Good Human Life, Bioethics 32(4), 261-268.

Kadi, S. and Wiesing, U. (2018). Well informed by national registers? A comparison of national ART registers in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Healthcare 22(6), 465-471.

Kadi, S. and Wiesing, U. (2016). Response to the Comment by the Board of the German IVF Register. Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 76(6): 688-689.

Kadi, S. and Wiesing, U. (2016). The German IVF Register as an Instrument to Document Assisted Reproductive Technologies.Geburtshilfe und Frauenheilkunde 76(6): 680-684.

Beimborn, M., Kadi, S., Köberer N., Mühleck, M. and Spindler, M. (2016). Focusing on the Human: Interdisciplinary Reflections on Ageing and Technology. In: Dominguez-Rue, E. and Nierling, L. (eds.) Age and Technology. Perspectives from the Social Sciences Science Studies. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Ammicht Quinn, R., Beimborn, M., Kadi, S., Köberer, N., Mühleck, M., Spindler, M. and Tulatz, K. (2015). Alter, Technik, Ethik. Ein Fragen- und Kriterienkatalog. (Age, technology, ethics. A catalogue of questions and criteria) Tübingen: Universität Tübingen - Internationales Zentrum für Ethik in den Wissenschaften (IZEW).