74 project(s) found with Tags: Work and Welfare Programme, Employment and Labour Mobility Research Team


Encouraging a Digital and Green Transition through Revitalised and Inclusive Union-Employer Negotiations – E-GRUiEN

01/01/2025 - 31/12/2028

E-GRUiEN is an inter-disciplinary and multi-method research project that asks:

  • How best to ensure a just green and digital transition for all affected parties by using social dialogue institutions and practices to protect, represent, and include precarious and non-standard workers and to protect affected workers currently in primary labour market jobs from falling into precarity? 

E-GRUiEN combines historical analysis from similar past transformations, observational data, such as legal and policy analyses, public statements by social partners, as well as quantitative analyses of secondary data from labour force and social surveys with original data that will be collected through qualitative interviews, focus groups, and participatory action research. Through this, we will get a systematic understanding of the current situation in social dialogue, bargaining, and the current outcomes which can be linked to the industrial relations for each case sector in each case country. Overall, the project will give evidence based guidance on how social dialogue institutions can be designed to steer societies through fundamental economic transformations such as the rise of new sectors and the growth of new forms of work in the context of digitalisation and green transition.



Navigating the Next Normal – NEXT-UP

01/01/2025 - 30/06/2028

NEXT-UP is a large-scale interdisciplinary and multi-method research project with the goals of

  1. investigating and predicting the long-term effects of the COVID-19 crisis on youth transitions from school to work and
  2. co-creating, with stakeholders, evidence-informed, future-oriented policies and programmes.

This  project is financed by Horizon Europe and implemented by a consortium of ten reserach organisations and one student union located in nine European countries. The European Centre’s contribution to the project focuses on the analysis of youth employability policies used during the pandemic and the development of measures fit to meet future needs in the context of the digitial transition.



Analytical and methodological support in qualitative analysis, mapping and mixed methods – ELA FWC Lot 2

18/03/2024 - 17/03/2028

The European Centre is partnering in a consortium with Ecorys Europe, HIVA KU Leuven, and Milieu Consulting to provide analytical and methodological support related to qualitative analysis, mapping and mixed methods to the European Labour Authority (ELA). The provision of analytical and methodological support consists of identifying, compiling, analysing and presenting qualitative data from external sources. This can include desk research (e.g. literature or document reviews) as well as primary research (e.g. expert interviews, focus groups, delphi surveys, case studies etc.). The consortium thus might be asked to design and implement qualitative data gathering exercises on behalf of ELA, as well as to compile, analyse and present the information. While the focus of this Lot is on qualitative research methods and data, a mixed methods approach might be requested for individual assignments, that is the combination of qualitative approaches (main task) with a minor degree of quantitative ones (e.g. contextualisation or supplementary statistics).



Peer reviews and mutual learning activities in the fields of employment, social affairs and inclusion – MFC ICF Peer review 2

13/10/2022 - 12/10/2026

ICF, in collaboration with the European Centre and IRS, have been awarded to organise and provide content for peer reviews and mutual learning activities for another four years (2022-2026). The general objective of the peer reviews and mutual learning activities in the fields of employment, social affairs and inclusion is to facilitate learning debate regarding policy developments, reforms and investments at European and national level.



Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting 2.0 – Posting.STAT 2.0

01/04/2024 - 31/03/2026

POSTING.STAT 2.0 continues the activities of POSTING.STAT 1.0 by complementing the data collected on intra-EU posting at European level. The project brings together a research consortium from the main sending and receiving Member States (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain). The goal is to increase the level of empirical evidence on intra-EU posting through the collection and analysis of national administrative data. The consortium, coordinated by KU Leuven, consists of 14 beneficiaries - including one affiliated entity - (mainly research institutes and universities) and 4 associated partners (social partners and a public authority). The first main objective of the proposal is to collect data from the competent public authorities to obtain more detailed information on the scale, characteristics, and impact of intra-EU posting, both in the main receiving and sending Member States. Furthermore, the aim is to get a better view on the enforcement of the posting rules, by reporting data collected from the national labour inspectorates. A number of topics remained un(der)explored in POSTING.STAT 1.0. In that regard, the objective of POSTING.STAT 2.0 is to make additional efforts to detect relevant data sources and to collect data on these topics (e.g., temporary agency posting, posting in case of subcontracting, etc.). Results will be reported in 11 country reports and 4 thematic papers. The second main objective is to stimulate the discussion about intra-EU posting and to disseminate the results of the data collection. In that regard, 11 country-specific webinars and 4 thematic-specific webinars will be organised. Finally, the results will be discussed at a closing conference in Leuven as well as at other conferences (e.g., by organising a panel discussion at the European Labour Mobility Congress in Krakow).



European Community of Practice on Partnership – ECoPP

06/10/2021 - 31/12/2025

The European Community of Practice on Partnerships is set up to review the existing European Code of Conduct and prepare proposals for its update for 2021-2027 period. 



Sustainable and socially just transnational sectoral labour markets – JUSTMIG

01/11/2023 - 31/10/2025

The JUSTMIG project combines innovative research and data collection on labour market dynamics in both service and manufacturing sub-sectors across 6 EU Member States where fixed-term contracting of migrant workers occurs, and 3 candidate countries as source countries for workers. Besides sectoral labour market and employment relation analysis, the 8 experienced consortium partners will also develop expertise on the adjustment of industrial relations structures in the selected countries in response to increased employment of migrant workers on fixed-term or outsourced temporary contracts. Starting from the development and application of innovative participatory methodology, the project addresses and involves social partners and labour market institutions throughout the project.



Recovering workers’ data to negotiate and monitor collective agreements in the platform economy – GDPoweR

01/10/2023 - 30/09/2025

GDPoweR is a collaborative research project on industrial relations in the platform economy, involving seven organizations from five countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Spain). It focuses on two sectors - ride-hailing and food delivery - and explores what worker data is collected by platform companies and how this affects workers, what strategies are used by social partners to negotiate and implement collective agreement and how the implementation of such agreements can be monitored and enforced. A central method used is the recovery of worker data through GDPR requests and the joint analysis of this data by workers and researchers.



Comparative analysis of job quality and working conditions in the Western Balkans – CAJQWC_WB

24/10/2024 - 30/06/2025

Eurofound has contracted FREN and the European Centre to conduct a comparative analysis on job quality and working conditions and draw recommendations for their improvement in the six countries of the Western Balkan region based on data from the 2021 European Working Conditions Telephone Survey (EWCTS).



Contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals within the European Union – TCN Study

18/01/2024 - 31/12/2024

This study concerns the collection of background material and drafting of a report on contracting chains and recruitment patterns of posted third-country nationals within the European Union.



Driver Survey

15/02/2023 - 31/10/2024

The Driver Survey project collects novel data on the working conditions and attitudes towards collective action of workers in the platform-mediated ride-hailing sector in Austria. The findings are compared with research on platform work in other industries and used to develop recommendations for social partners and policy makers.



Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery towards inclusive growth and poverty reduction in Uzbekistan – UNDP UZB

26/12/2023 - 30/06/2024

The project was commissioned by UNDP and carried out research, analysis and mapping of integrated approaches applied in employment and welfare services in Uzbekistan.



Bridge Building Peer Reviews and Trainings – BB Peer Reviews

01/06/2021 - 31/03/2024

The project builds on the need for mutual learning between countries of the Bridging (BB) Function.The European Centre offered Peer Reviews and Training dedicated to specific topics in social welfare. By implementing mutual learning activities in the BB countries the European Centre collaborates with its National Liaison Officials (NLO's).



Assessment of the channels of information and their use in the posting of workers – INFO-POW

01/09/2022 - 28/02/2024

The aim of the Info-POW project is to identify and assess new as well as existing challenges and needs of undertakings in the construction sector in five countries in accessing and using relevant information regarding the process of posting workers. It is a joint research project of 5 research institutions and associated partners from Austria, Belgium, Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and the EU.



Thematic review on incentivising employment of persons with disabilities in the open labour market (Austria) – ECE

07/07/2023 - 25/07/2023

As part of the European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of employment and labour market policy a country report on Austria was drafted regarding national policies, strategies and measures for persons with disabilities in entering the open labour market.



External expertise for the project “FELM” - Better Functioning of the European Construction Labour Market – FELM

22/09/2021 - 31/05/2023

The European Centre teams was responsible for conducting the research for the project Better Functioning of the European Construction Labour Market (FELM) implemented by the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW) and the European Construction Industry Federation (FIEC).



European Undeclared Work Platform - Peer Learning Dialogue – UDW/Platform work

01/07/2022 - 31/12/2022

The Peer Learning Dialogue (PLD) aimed to allow representatives from the European Undeclared Work Platform to explore issues in greater depth with a small group of peers and to test new approaches for tackling undeclared work. The PLD consisted of three one-day meetings for up to six Platform representatives. Anette Scoppetta acted as thematic expert and facilitated the process.



Secure Mobility: Uncovering Gaps in the Social Protection of Posted Workers – SMUG

01/01/2021 - 31/07/2022

The project aims to improve the evidence base for policy regulating posted work, by collecting and analysing (via focus groups) narratives from posted workers about how their work shapes their lives, and affects their economic security.



Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting – Posting.Stat

01/02/2021 - 31/07/2022

Posting.Stat brings together a consortium of universities and research centres from 10 different Member Statesto promote the evidence basis through the collection and analysis of national micro-data. The geographical scope of the project covers the six main ‘sending’ Member States (Germany, Poland, Italy, Spain, Slovenia and Luxembourg) and the six main ‘receiving’ Member States (Germany, France, Belgium, Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg) of posted workers.



Indicators for measuring child poverty and its combating in European cities

30/06/2020 - 30/06/2022

This project will identify indicators related to child poverty in European cities for the following dimensions: definition; prevalence; consequences in all areas of life; living conditions of children concerned; measures to combat child poverty.



EUROMOD-JRC web interface update – EM-web

01/07/2021 - 30/06/2022

The EUROMOD-JRC web interface is an online tool that provides a simplified access to the tax-benefit microsimulation model EUROMOD. Users can implement simple tax reforms and analyse their fiscal and distributional effects. The project aim is to populate and update the parameters of the EUROMOD-JRC interface, which can subsequently be modified by users.



Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan – ILO_ARM&TJK

17/01/2022 - 31/05/2022

Armenia and Tajikistan are implementing reforms aiming at improving the public services delivery through integrated employment and social protection policy response. Governments of both countries, in consultation with social partners, are designing national social protection and employment strategies utilising ILO’s technical assistance to integrate international labour standards into these long-term policies, short-term measures, delivery mechanisms and monitoring frameworks.



CoP Employment, Education and Skills

01/09/2020 - 31/05/2022

This project intended to facilitate, stimulate and enhance experiences and expertise amongst ESF stakeholders across the EU, their cooperation, the consolidation of knowledge and know-how as well as the visibility and awareness of the value of transnational cooperation.



Rider Survey

01/06/2021 - 31/05/2022

The Rider Survey project aims to collect novel data on bicycle food delivery drivers' working conditions and perceptions of trade unions in Austria.



Situation Analysis of children and adolescents in Moldova – SitAn UNICEF Moldova

16/06/2021 - 28/02/2022

The Situation Analysis of children’s rights and wellbeing is a flagship product designed to inform policy dialogue, partnerships, and interventions to improve the lives of children. It is an assessment and analysis of the country situation, with respect to children's rights and critical issues affecting their realization.



Youth Gangs

01/01/2021 - 31/12/2021

The aim of this project was to develop a multi-agency model for the prevention of gang violence based on an indepth-analysis of risk factors, prevention policies and social control mechanisms in recent research projects on youth gangs.



Simulating more generous unemployment benefits – Arbeitslosengeld AK OÖ

01/10/2021 - 31/12/2021

We analyse the impact of an increase in unemployment benefits in Austria in terms of poverty, inequality and employment effects.



Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers – POW-BRIDGE

01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

The project studied the gap between procedures and practices in the enactment of EU rules on posting, identified challenges, developed and shared effective ways of addressing these for posting companies and implementation agencies in cross-border collaboration.



Updated review of the performance of Western Balkan economies regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights and Action Plan (2021)

08/06/2021 - 31/08/2021

The reports are 2021 updates of the existing reviews related to the European Pillar of Social Rights in Western Balkan: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, & Serbia.



Simulating a Job Guarantee

01/03/2021 - 31/05/2021


Alpine Space Transnational Governance of Active and Healthy Ageing – ASTAHG

16/04/2018 - 15/04/2021

ASTAHG established a transnational governance board to help Alpine Space regional governments to implement and monitor policies for active and healthy ageing, local governments to identify most suitable initiatives and social innovators to channel services and products.



Estimation of Non-Take-Up of Housing Allowance in Upper Austria

11/01/2021 - 12/03/2021

This project analyses non-take-up of housing allowance in Upper Austria.



Mapping trends and policies to tackle homelessness in Europe

18/12/2019 - 28/02/2021

The project looks at the extent to which states uphold and ensure the right to affordable housing, social support and health care. There is a focus on policies and services for older people, persons with mental health- and persons with addiction problems.



Situation Analysis of children and adolescents in Croatia – SitAn UNICEF Croatia

14/04/2020 - 28/02/2021

UNICEF’s Situation Analysis guides national institutions in promoting human development and fulfilment of human rights. It is used to assess the progress, challenges and opportunities to achieve children’s and adolescents’ rights and their wellbeing in Croatia.



SWaPOL - Social Work and Policing – SWaPOL

01/11/2018 - 28/02/2021

Exchange, cooperation and mutual trust between social workers and police officers are needed to fostering social inclusion of marginalised people in public places. A joint training has been developed and can be integrated in existing training schedules at schools of social work and in police academies.



Feasibility Study for the programme “Reforming child protection systems: strengthening children’s rights” – SOSCV_Feasibility Study

01/06/2020 - 31/12/2020

This study will analyse the current child protection policies in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, North Macedonia and Ukraine and evaluate how a new SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide regional programme will contribute to the human rights of children in these countries.



The EUROMOD microsimulation model – EUROMODupdate2

01/02/2012 - 31/12/2020

EUROMODupdate2 draws on the first update round (2009-2011) and aims to further develop and update the EUROMOD microsimulation model. A Policy Update 2012–2020 and subsequent updates to 2010–12–14–15–16–17 and 2018 EU-SILC data (in 2020) are part of this round.



Posting of third country nationals – Con3Post

01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020

EU Member States sending and receiving ‘third-country nationals’, established cooperation, shared information and conducted research to outline challenges, future scenarios and strategic responses as regards the posting of workers in the EU construction sector.



Better Regulation Guidelines – BRG

17/08/2017 - 31/12/2020

Better Regulation Guidelines ensure that EU policies and laws are prepared in a transparent manner, informed by best available evidence and backed by comprehensive involvement of stakeholders to achieve the objectives at minimum cost.



Peer reviews and other mutual learning processes in the fields of employment, social affairs and inclusion

22/12/2016 - 14/12/2020

EU-28 Member States recognized the need to learn from each other with regard to improvements in capacity-building and better enforcement of policies as well as result in better performing and more inclusive labour markets and social protection systems across the EU.



Study on Intergenerational Fairness

10/01/2020 - 09/12/2020

How do EU-28 Member States fare in terms of intergenerational fairness? To which extent did policy reforms and automatic stabilizers built in the tax and benefit systems have a distributional impact on the income of different age groups and cohorts?



Sustainable Development multi-stakeholder workshops in Austria – SDG

01/01/2019 - 30/11/2020

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were discussed with public, private and civil society stakeholders in four workshops 2019 – 2020 in different Austrian cities, each focussing on a specific topic relevant for achieving the SDGs.



COVID-19: Social Situation Analysis in Austria

22/06/2020 - 31/08/2020

This comprehensive analysis captured the status quo of the social situation of specific groups in Austria and included anecdotic evidence of the effects of the COVID-19 crisis and the need for action and research.



Comparative analysis of inclusive employment of persons with disabilities

19/10/2019 - 31/03/2020

This project contributed to research aiming at a better understanding of challenges and opportunities for socially-inclusive companies to include persons with disabilities in the labour market and society in Europe.



Microsimulation related to planned changes of Austrian family tax credit “family bonus”

15/02/2020 - 28/02/2020

This microsimulation analysis related to three different scenarios of the introduction and extension of the “family bonus” by the Austrian Government. Thus, the net distribution effects of the (planned) reforms could be mirrored.



Posting of workers in Eastern Europe – EEPOW

01/01/2018 - 31/12/2019

The project proactively addressed the issue of posting of workers by assisting Eastern European countries in implementing the respective Directive in order to prevent social dumping and minimise associated risks for workers.



Tailor-made training courses on social welfare issues – BGR Trainings

18/07/2019 - 31/12/2019

The European Cenre conducted tailor-made training courses for civil servants of the Bulgarian Ministry of Labour and Social Policy in three selected topics of social welfare: labour market and social policies, future of work, and long-term care.



Employment Thematic Network – ETN

28/11/2017 - 31/07/2019

This Network helps Member States to improve their services for the long-term unemployed and for people’s career development by promoting good practice and mutual learning and exploiting these through various forms of exchange and cooperation.



Analysis of non-take up of minimum income benefits in Austria

26/04/2016 - 30/04/2019

This project measured and analysed the target efficiency of the minimum income benefit and its predecessor benefit called monetary social assistance, the benefits of last resort in Austria.



Occupational safety and health of posted workers – POOSH

12/01/2017 - 31/12/2018

While previous research focused on tax avoidance, social benefit frauds and lacking cooperation, here the attention was placed on the assurance of decent working conditions, occupational safety and health, assessment of health-related risks, prevention measures and monitoring.



Public attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy in the EU and Russia – PAWCER

01/03/2016 - 30/09/2018

The project conducted comparative research on public attitudes to welfare, climate change and energy. While economic challenges threaten solidarity in European welfare states, climate change is likely to become the leading driver of geopolitical conflict.



Analysis of people not covered by health insurance in Austria

04/07/2016 - 31/08/2018

The project aimed at the quantitative and qualitative assessement of people not covered by health insurance in Austria: the number of people concerned, their socio-demographic characteristics, causes for non-coverage and coping behaviour in case of illness.



Simulations of planned government reforms with EUROMOD/SORESI

21/12/2017 - 31/07/2018

Using the Austrian EUROMOD module and the SORESI model, an in-depth analysis of planned tax-/benefit reforms in terms of income distribution at the household and individual level was provided.



Albania working life country profile – AWLCP

14/05/2018 - 31/07/2018

This country profile of Albanian working life provided an overview of the processes, actors and trends in the fields of industrial relations and working conditions.



Integrated Case Management for Employment and Social Welfare Users in the Western Balkans

21/06/2017 - 30/06/2018

The project improved labour market governance through an expansion of institutional capacities of Public Employment Services (PES) and Centres for Social Welfare (CSW) to develop integrated support and outreach to individuals at risk of exclusion in the Western Balkan economies.



Medium briefing note: Social and employment policies in Austria – EP Briefing Note AT

28/03/2018 - 19/04/2018

The Briefing Note describes and analyses developments in employment and related policies, developments in social affairs and related policies as well as priorities of the Austrian Presidency of the EU (first half of 2018) in the field of employment and social affairs.



Bridge Building Summer School on Social Welfare

02/03/2017 - 15/10/2017

The School responded to a need for capacity-building. This regarded research, project acquisition and -development, especially in the areas of youth unemployment, labour market policy, healthy and active ageing and demographic change.



Training course ‘work 4.0’

10/11/2016 - 30/04/2017

‘Industry 4.0’ is regarded as the 4th Industrial Revolution, with great impact on collaboration between humans and technology. The course covered new forms of work organisation, changes/needs for ‘learning & skills’, diversity, gender and the ageing of the workforce.



Social situation monitor

03/04/2013 - 31/03/2017

To identify socio-economic groups at disadvantage and in need to be targeted by policies, we analysed living conditions and their determinants, e.g. income, wealth, poverty, taxes and benefits, access to health, long-term care, social mobility, social inclusion.



Social enterprises in active labour market policies in Macedonia – BACID

01/10/2016 - 31/03/2017

The project compared fruitful frameworks for social enterprises in Macedonia within existing active labour market programmes across the European Union, to build a strong pillar for the development of social entrepreneurship.



Mobilising the potential of active ageing in Europe – MOPACT

01/03/2013 - 28/02/2017

MOPACT provided the research and practical evidence upon which Europe can begin to make longevity an asset for social and economic development.



Transnational ESF platform

04/07/2016 - 31/12/2016

The network provided a space for learning about partnership in order to assist Managing Authorities, Intermediate Bodies and wider stakeholders across the European Structural and Investment Funds in improving their partnership practice.



Study on the ‘social dimension’ of the EU

04/08/2016 - 15/11/2016

This study aimed at identifying thematic key areas to be covered by benchmarking processes during the next upward policy convergence to strengthen the social dimension of the EU. It suggested potential benchmarking indicators and discussed their pros and cons.



Public employee lab-in-the-field experimental study

03/10/2014 - 31/12/2015

To study public employment hiring and joining decisions in the German states, the orientation of business administration as compared to public administration students towards social norms such as altruism, fairness, and trustworthiness, free-riding and risk aversion, was examined.



Families in the economic crisis

09/07/2014 - 01/05/2015

EU-SILC survey data were used to identify household types and explore working patterns and work arrangements of parents. The main lessons learnt were synthetized and conclusions drawn for family policy design and family welfare during and after crisis periods.



Corridor studies on portability of social benefits

20/09/2013 - 31/12/2014

Against this background the project sets up corridor studies as an instrument of knowledge gathering and result analysis.The two bilateral social security agreements between Austria/Turkey and Germany/Turkey may bring substantial experiences, as they have existed for many years in migration intensive corridors.



Rearrangement of demand-oriented social transfers and activating interventions in South Tyrol

17/01/2014 - 31/12/2014

The European Centre analysed minimum income regulations in selected European countries.



Winners and losers of the crisis in Latvia

06/02/2013 - 31/12/2013

In the course of the consultancy, the European Centre team explores how poverty and income inequality have changed in Latvia during the financial and economic crisis also drawing on comparison with other EU Member States. In particular, we aim to identify the specific social groups which were most affected by the crisis in order to raise awareness among policy makers.



European Observatory on the Social Situation – SSO

01/04/2005 - 31/03/2013

The European Centre participates in the network of Social Inclusion & Income Distribution (coordinated by Applica), which monitors and reports on trends in income distribution and social inclusion, i.e. the overall inclusiveness of European society



Expertise CE-Ageing strategy –

01/01/2012 - 04/03/2013

Pieter Vanhuysse has been appointed for 2012-2013 as External Expert on the Central European Ageing Strategy developed by the Central European Knowledge Platform for an Ageing Society.



Active Ageing Index

21/02/2012 - 31/12/2012

The index measures the extent to which older people can realise their full potential in terms of total and healthy life expectancy, participation in the economy, in social and cultural life and in terms of independent living.The project team also analyses the gap between the actual situation and an ideal state, where the latter would be based on empirical observations of best performing countries.



Outcomes and effects of social monetary benefits and benefits in kind

01/08/2011 - 31/08/2012

The project will evaluate the effects of the different benefit types based on targets and their degree of realization as well as intended and non-intended outcomes.The study will comprise of three main parts: an international literature analysis on theoretical and empirical backgrounds, the development of a comparative framework of the effects of monetary benefits and benefits in kind, and the detailed analysis of benefits in the long-term care sector offered by the City of Vienna.



EUROMODupdate – EUROMODupdate

01/02/2009 - 31/01/2012

The key objective to improve and extend EUROMOD’s usefulness as a tool for policy-relevant research and policy monitoring. The European Centre is responsible for establishing contacts and working relationships in the New Member States in order to explore the feasibility of bringing them into EUROMOD. In addition, the European Centre's team is modeling the policy systems for Austria.
