The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals
Armenia and Tajikistan are implementing reforms aiming at improving public services delivery through integrated employment and social protection policy response. Governments of both countries, in consultation with social partners, are designing national social protection and employment strategies utilising ILO’s technical assistance to integrate international labour standards into these long-term policies, short-term measures, delivery mechanisms and monitoring frameworks. The Europan Centre provided consultancy service to the ILO Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia in implementing the projects "Integrated policy response on employment and social protection in the context of COVID-19 crisis mitigation and recovery, supported by social dialogue in Armenia and Tajikistan".
The project focused on supporting the lines ministries in the two countries to design and implement new employment services, extend social protection coverage with selected programmes, strengthen employment and social protection services, and promote social dialogue.
Work package 1: Analysis of methods and tools for client assessment and referral methods, with particular attention to the use of case management, capacity of the social protection department staff to use them and the level of interaction with employment services.
Work Package 2: Capacity building of staff of social protection departments on local level to deliver coordinated services and improvement of tools and delivery mechanisms.
Work package 3: Review of existing electronic data management systems held by social protection and employment sector with a view to assess the possibility that they support implementation of case management and referrals.
The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals