Thematic review on incentivising employment of persons with disabilities in the open labour market (Austria)

Mapping of national policies, strategies and measures



Anette Scoppetta


ICF (Ellen Murray)


As part of the European Centre of Expertise (ECE) in the field of employment and labour market policy, a country report on Austria was drafted regarding national policies, strategies and measures for persons with disabilities when entering the open labour market.


The paper presented the state of play on incentivising employment and retention in employment of persons with disabilities and informed on policies supporting the employment of persons with disabilities for both persons with disabilities and enterprises. Relevant practices implemented in Austria such as the Koordinationsstelle Jugend-Schule-Beschäftigung (Coordination Office Youth-Education-Employment) in Vienna were described.

The report concluded that Austria can build on existing networks and cooperation structures between the institutions engaged in the occupational and social participation of persons with disabilities. The Austrian policy system, however, is complex and responsibilities are split between institutions. The division of competences between the Bund and the Länder can hinder the transition from sheltered workshops to the open labour market.

The challenges faced in improving the employment situation of persons with disabilities in Austria are manifold and include ensuring inclusive education, enhancing the accessibility to work and overcoming stigma as well as the frequent resistance of enterprises in employing persons with disabilities. Because disability mainstreaming is a policy aim of Austria, co-creating measures together with persons with disabilities, especially at policy interfaces such as between education and employment, is key. To completely embed Austrian disability policies in the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities adequate resources, especially for inclusive education must be made available and measures set to minimise institutionalisation of persons with disabilities. Hence, further steps urgently need to be taken to guarantee professional participation of persons with disabilities in Austria.

The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals

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UN SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth


ICF (on behalf of the European Commission)


07/2023 – 07/2023