Within the framework of the 2012 European Year on Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations, the UNECE, the European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities and the European Centre are undertaking a project ‘Active Ageing Index’.
The aim of this project is to develop and launch an Active Ageing Index that helps to measure national progress in ensuring activity and quality of life of ageing populations in European Union and other UNECE countries.The index allows to measure and monitor active ageing outcomes at the country level with a breakdown by gender and (possibly) other socio-economic groups have also to be envisaged.
Overview of active ageing theories and frameworks through desk research in order to pre-select possible domains for the Index.
Analysis of existing indices and methodologies for the aggregation of indicators.
Validation of index methodology, domains and indicators through expert/stakeholder workshops.
Construction of the Active Ageing Index, using secondary data and analysis of the country rankings.
Validation of the Active Ageing methodology, domains and indicators.
Selection of indicators based on the feasibility, availability and salience of the data.
Active Ageing Index and its domains; ranking of countries; and analysis of possible underlying causes for particular findings and its policy implications.
The Active Ageing Index is a tool for assessing progress of countries towards better active ageing. It's breakdown into domains allows policy-makers and researchers to focus on particular areas of active ageing, while also highlighting trade-offs between different dimensions of active ageing (e.g. paid and unpaid activities). Finally, the Active Ageing Index also illustrates the relevance of including a capabilities approach for the assessment of ageing across Europe.