Ensuring continuity of the European Observatory on Demography and Social Situation, this project aimed at providing policy-relevant analytical and methodological support on the developments in income distribution, poverty, social exclusion and material deprivation as well as health, helping the Commission in its efforts to monitor living standards and life chances across the EU and across different groups in society, and to evaluate how policies affect them.
The results of the analysis were published in a series of Research Notes on specific issues of policy relevance each year and in an on-line resource on the European Commission website.
The on-line data base includes comparative analyses across the EU of income inequality, the risk of poverty, material deprivation, the distribution of wealth, and non-monetary aspects of well-being. It is based to a large extent on the EU-SILC (Statistics on Income and Living Conditions) and they extend the periodic studies produced by Eurostat. Other data sources include: European Labour Force Survey; Survey on Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE); European Household Budget Survey (EHBS); Adult Education Survey; PISA – survey of the academic performance of young people. In 2016, the European Centre team, together with Katrin Gasior, carried out an analysis on the risk of poverty across Europe.
Research Notes