Integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery towards inclusive growth and poverty reduction in Uzbekistan

Addressing socio-economic inequalities in a time of global and regional instabilities



Anette Scoppetta


Kai Leichsenring, Eszter Zólyomi


Nargiza Khamidova; UNDP Uzbekistan


UNDP Uzbekistan


The project "Addressing socio-economic inequalities in a time of global and regional instabilities" is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Employment and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan and UNDP which aims at contributing to the inclusive, resilient economic growth and reduced regional inequalities by improving capacities of public institutions and private entities to design and implement innovative policies for promotion of the care economy aiming at inclusive and gender-balanced growth and supporting job creation and employment opportunities through the prism of the Future of Work systems approach. In this regard, integrated approach in employment and welfare services delivery can help the Government not only to address unmet expectations of citizens for accessing decent work opportunities, but also benefit from target social assistance schemes. The European Centre was commissioned by UNDP to carry out research, analysis and mapping of integrated approaches applied in employment and welfare services in Uzbekistan.


The project objectives were:

  • Carrying out desk research on the international best practices which witness that the integrated approach can increase the working population;
  • Conducting an overall assessment and evaluation of the current existing mid-term or longer-term state programs in social protection and labour systems;
  • Analysis of the current system of employment services for people with disability and low-income families;
  • Designing the pilot of an integrated service delivery model; and
  • Preparing and carrying put training modules of one offline training and one online webinar on capacity building activities.


  • Desk research
  • Expert interviews 
  • Review practices
  • Analyses and assessment
  • Draft recommendations and provide technical guidance
  • Development and implementation of a module of the workshops and trainings


  • Analysis of at least five international best practices
  • Assessment of the current existing mid-term or longer-term state progammes in social protection and labour systems in Uzbekistan
  • Recommendations on designing and piloting a new architecture for the case management system
  • Technical guidance on piloting the developed new model
  • Organization of one online and one offline workshop

The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals

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UN SDG No Poverty
UN SDG Decent Work and Economic Growth