Driver Survey

Working conditions and collective action in the platform-mediated, ride-hailing sector and beyond


The growth of platform work has led to intense public debates over workers' rights and the future of social dialogue. Recent studies in Austria have covered several sectors in which digital labour platforms play a crucial role including food delivery and cleaning. However, despite criticism of low pay and bad working conditions, there is very limited data on the conditions of drivers in app-mediated, ride-hailing sector. Furthermore, research in other countries shows significant cross-sectoral differences in working conditions, pay and attitudes towards collective action which have not been explored in Austria.


Against the described background, the Driver Survey project has three interrelated aims:

  1. To collect novel data on the working conditions and attitudes of taxi drivers, in particular drivers using in online platforms to find customers.
  2. To compare the findings with research on platform workers in other industries in Austria.
  3. To use the results of the survey and the comparative analysis to develop recommendations for social partners and policymakers.

In addition, the project aims to strengthen networking and the exchange of knowledge between researchers, activists, social partners and policymakers in the field of platform work.


  • Focus groups/qualitative interviews with drivers
  • An online survey among drivers
  • A (comparative) analysis of the results
  • Expert workshop (researchers, stakeholders) to discuss the results


  • Conduct focus groups/qualitative interviews to inform questionnaire
  • Develop, test and conduct survey
  • Analyse results and compare them with studies on other forms of platform work in Austria
  • Organise an expert workshop
  • Write final report
  • Write one academic paper

The European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research supports the Sustainable Development Goals

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UN SDG Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure