The Observatory consists of three multi-disciplinary networks of independent experts established for the European Commission in 2005: Demography, Social Inclusion & Income Distribution, and Health Status & Living Conditions. Its aim is to analyse demographic and social trends and to assist the Commission in its duty to report on the Social Situation.
The European Centre participates in the network of Social Inclusion & Income Distribution (coordinated by Applica), which monitors and reports on trends in income distribution and social inclusion, i.e. the overall inclusiveness of European society. It monitors the situation regarding income and wealth, the impact of tax-benefit systems, the access to services, questions related to poverty, and population groups particularly at risk of exclusion.
The results of the analysis have been published in a series of Research Notes on specific issues of policy relevance as well as in the Social Situation Report. They were also published in the past in annual Monitoring Reports, but from 2010 on, the main findings of the research are available in the online resource.
Research Notes
- Research Note 6/2012: "Inclusion of young migrants"
- Research Note 3/2012: "The 2010 Ad hoc EU SILC module on the intra-household sharing of resources"
- Research Note 06/2011: "Active Ageing"
- Research Note 05/2011: "The situation of working-age people with disabilities across the EU"
- Research Note 01/2010: "Detailed analysis of the relative position of migrants"
- Research Note 02/2009: "Quality of housing and the link to income"
- Research Note 06/2008: "Preparation and analysis of Eurobarometer on social exclusion (Reflection paper)"
- Research Note 03/2008: "Social inclusion of migrants and their 2nd generation descendants"
- Research Note 2007: "Child poverty and ethnic minorities"
- Research Note 2006: "Life course disruptions and their impact on income and living conditions"
Monitoring reports
- Monitoring Report 2009 (3.5 MB), ECV contributed with chapters 2 and (parts of ) chapter 7:2. Levels and trends of income poverty in the EU; 7. Material deprivation and access to services.
- Monitoring Report 2007 (2 MB), Executive Summary ECV contributed with Chapter 2 – Who are the poor?
- Monitoring Report 2006 (2 MB), Executive Summary ECV contributed with Chapters 1, 6 and 7:1. Income inequality and poverty in the EU: recent developments and trends; 6. Dynamics of poverty in the EU15 (1994-2001), 7. Why are the poor poor? The role of labour market and demographic factors, including health and immigration
- Monitoring Report 2005 (2 MB), Executive Summary ECV contributed with Chapters 1 and 3:1. Poverty levels of income: cross-country comparisons, trends and demographic factors; and 3. Poverty and the labour market: relationship between low incomes and poverty in the EU