Publications by Type: Policy brief


Policy brief: Being posted without being a posted worker - Legal uncertainty in practice

Policy brief

Drawing on interviews from the SMUG project, this policy brief argues that many posted workers do not conform to the directive’s definition of a posted worker. Workers are often hired for posting, have genuine posting careers or move across categories to find job opportunities.


Policy brief: The importance of timely data sharing practices in enforcing labour standards for posted construction workers in Italy

Policy brief

This policy brief shows how timely sharing of collected data could effectively support and better guarantee the enactment of labour standards in the sector of posted construction workers.


Policy brief: An index to measure child poverty in European cities: City of Vienna case study

Policy brief

This policy brief aims to present an EU-SILC based index designed to capture multidimensional child poverty in European cities and discusses the results for Vienna.


Policy brief: The social protection challenges of transnationally mobile construction workers - insights on posted work in Austria

Policy brief

In this policy brief, the authors discuss the social protection of transnationally mobile construction workers in terms of rules, structures, and practices.


Policy brief: 20th Anniversary of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. What is next?

Policy brief

In this policy brief, the author will address two questions in connection with the 20th anniversary of the MIPAA: "What is the correct designation of the jubilee year: celebration, observation, or recognition of failure?" and "What needs to be done next in international policies on ageing?"
