Publications by Type: Policy brief


Policy brief: Fragmentation of information on the posting of workers in Slovakia

Policy brief

The policy brief is based on research conducted in the INFO-POW project, which consisted of three methods of data collection: a mapping exercise, interviews with national stakeholders, and a survey.



Policy brief: Alcohol consumption – A grossly underestimated factor for public health and social welfare

Policy brief

This policy brief summarises the current state of scientific knowledge about the problems caused by alcohol consumption and about ways and means to reduce these.


Policy brief: Company size and resources as determinants of access and use of information on the posting of workers – Evidence from Slovenia

Policy brief

This policy brief is based on empirical evidence collected in the frame of the INFO-POW project and builds on the case of Slovenian posting undertakings in the construction sector.


Policy brief: Access to information on the posting of workers: Are we blinded by the importance given by EU legislation to the single official national website?

Policy brief

This policy brief shows that posting companies, posted workers, and receiving companies, when looking for information about the posting rules, do not consult only the so-called single official national website of the host Member State but also frequently use other information channels. This informaiton is based on empirical evidence collected in the frame of the INFO-POW project.


Policy brief: Young Carers und Young Adult Carers in Upper Austria

Policy brief

In this policy brief, we discuss different types of support measures for young carers and young adult carers (16-29 years) and cover general measures such as awareness-raising, identification and individual support.
