Publications by Type: Policy brief


Policy brief: Young Carers und Young Adult Carers in Upper Austria

Policy brief

In this policy brief, we discuss different types of support measures for young carers and young adult carers (16-29 years) and cover general measures such as awareness-raising, identification and individual support.


Policy brief: Enhancing social inclusion of persons with disabilities in the Western Balkans

Policy brief

In this policy brief, we explore challenges and barriers persons with disabilities (PwD) face to full social inclusion and propose policy options to address them through investment in and better access to (vocational) education, public funding of personal assistance, and improved data collection for evidence-based policy making.


Policy brief: The role of national human rights bodies in monitoring fundamental rights in EU funded programmes

Policy brief

This policy brief focuses on the role of National Human Rights Bodies in assessing the horizontal enabling conditions in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (the Charter) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) compliance of EU funds.



Policy brief: Attitudes, experiences and expectations on long-term care in Malta

Policy brief

In this policy brief, the authors discuss findings from the InCARE survey on attitudes, experiences and expectations on long-term care in Malta. They find that that there is a mismatch between preferences and expectations for receiving care in the community, aggravated by affordability and availability barriers.


Policy brief: Posting, short term labour migration, and social rights access: How to rework an alienating system?

Policy brief

In this brief, we discuss how posted and other hypermobile migrant construction workers suffer from marginalization in both the labour market and in access to social insurance, with variations between biographically different groups of posted workers.
