Publications by Type: Other publications


Comparative report of the survey on posting and receiving companies in the construction sector

Other publications

The comparative study presents findings from original empirical research collected through an online survey about the access to information of posting and receiving companies regarding the posting of workers. The survey manual details the process of preparing and implementing the survey.


Targeted measures for persons with disabilities to cope with the cost-of-living crisis

Other publications

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee, discusses the impact of the ongoing cost-of-living and energy crises on the standard of living for persons with disabilities.


Evolving jobs, skills and training needs in the social services sector and the role of social partners in managing changes

Other publications

This report examines the effects of changing social care models, evolving user needs, and the increased use of digital tools and technologies on the skills and training needs of workers in social care services.



Guide: Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan

Other publications

The guide aims to assist the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Tajikistan to build up integrated case management.


Managing Cases and Case Managers: Technical Assistance “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia”

Other publications

These instructions have been drafted based on the specific request of the Armenian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs within the project “Improving coordination of social protection and employment service delivery in Armenia and Tajikistan” and aim to assist the implementation of new processes for integrated policy approaches in Armenia.
