
What is tax/benefit-microsimulation?

Tax/benefit-microsimulation is used to simulate implemented, planned or hypothetical policy reforms to analyse their fiscal and social impact, such as their impact on the public budget, on income inequality and poverty.

What is tax/benefit-microsimulation for?

With the tax-benefit models EUROMOD and SORESI it is possible to carry out tailor-made fiscal and distributive simulation analyses based on latest EU-SILC micro data.

For example, it is possible to simulate

  • changes in the social (insurance) contributions of employees, employers and self-employed.
  • income tax reforms, including tax rates/bands, tax allowances and tax credits.
  • changes in the structure and amounts of family, unemployment, or social assistance benefits.

What we offer:

We offer tailor-made fiscal and distributive simulation analysis for diverse clients.

Our task as the Austrian expert team within the EUROMODupdate project is to provide an annual update of policy parameters, the Austrian input data for the model, as well as validation. If you want to run your own microsimulation, visit SORESI. There you will obtain fiscal and distributive outcomes of your “personal” policy reform within few minutes.

Project examples

Contact persons

Michael Fuchs

Michael Fuchs

Leonard Geyer

Leonard Geyer