Technical support for the development and update of EUROMOD

Support to EUROMOD for Austria

EUROMODupdate 2021-2024


Felix Wohlgemuth, Michael Fuchs, Leonard Geyer


JRC Seville


What is EUROMOD?

EUROMOD is a tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union (EU) which

  • enables researchers and policy analysts to calculate,
  • in a comparable manner,
  • the effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes and work incentives
  • for the population of each of the 27 Member States and for the EU as a whole.

How to access EUROMOD?

EUROMOD is free for academic and not-for-profit use. For information about accessing EUROMOD please see the JRC/Seville website.


The EUROMOD consortium consists of the core developer group at JRC Seville and the national expert groups of each Member States. Our task as the Austrian expert team is to provide an annual update of policy parameters, the Austrian input data (EU-SILC national data) for the model, as well as validation.

In 2024, the Austrian part of EUROMOD is updated to 2024 policy rules (incl. adjustments for bracket creep, indexation of benefits, etc.) using latest (uprated) input data (SILC 2022 with incomes for 2021).

A detailed description of the policy parameters, the micro-database as well as on validation results is provided in the EUROMOD country reports.

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