Publications by Year: 2020

Annual Report of Activities 2020

Annual report of activities

To get a comprehensive overview of all our activities, this report highlights projects, publications and conference presentations.


Here, not to stay – The posting of third-country nationals between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia, and Austria

Policy brief

This Policy Brief describes the trend of posting of third-country workers from Bosnia and Herzegovina via Slovenia to Austria, its drivers, the challenges that the workers face, and the impact posting has on the host country.


Tackling ageism during a global health crisis: multilevel, intersectoral and transnational collaboration for active and healthy ageing

Policy brief

This Policy Brief portrays two large-scale international projects which take on the ageing challenge, one focusing on tackling ‘ageism’, and the other one on improving multilevel governance and evidence-based decision-making for ‘active and healthy ageing’ (AHA).


Covid-19 and alcohol

COVID 19 Blog

Covid-19 has had and will continue to have, at least for the time being, a huge impact on many aspects of life. We are continuously being confronted with the negative consequences of the pandemic for our economy, welfare, mobility, health systems, social life, public health, mental health etc. In view of the significant negative influence which alcohol consumption has on public health and social welfare, we briefly review the relationship between Covid-19, alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm.


Socioeconomic condition of informal carers during the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID 19 Blog

Due to the challenge of combining care responsibilities with employment, informal carers are often vulnerable to reducing their labour market attachment, or leaving the job market entirely, and subsequently sacrificing income. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting employment cuts, informal carers may have been particularly vulnerable to deterioration in their socioeconomic situation.
