Publications by Year: 2020

Healthy surveillance - happy data sharing!

COVID 19 Blog

Readers of this essay are invited to a quiz: try to spot the difference between reality and dystopia!

“Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to this meeting that we are starting today with a new ritual. As you know, registration with the COVID-19 app is a prerequisite for attending this meeting. Now I ask you for the corresponding ‘electronic handshake’. At the same time, I have to inform you that you are obliged to report immediately if you receive a health warning during our session. In this case the session will be terminated.”


Unleashing transformation through partnerships

Policy brief

This Policy Brief analyses how partnership is understood and promoted in European Union regulations and programmes.


The COVID-19 long-term care situation in Austria

Other publications

This report aims to document the impact of COVID-19 on people who use and provide long-term care and the measures adopted by different countries to contain and mitigate the impact of the virus. Regular updates are provided as new information becomes available.


Literature review: Definitions, models and dimensions of good practices

European Centre working papers

Being the first Working Paper of the project “Mapping promising social services and policy measures to support the independent living of older people”, this literature review investigates the existing models and tools to define, evaluate and transfer a good practice.


The impact of COVID-19 on the posting of workers and their workplace safety

COVID 19 Blog

The posting of workers describes a process by which companies and temporary work agencies send employees from one EU Member State to another to provide a service in that country for a specific period of time based on dedicated EU Directives. Meanwhile, posted employees remain covered by and pay contributions to the social security institutions of their home country.
