Publications by Type: European Centre reports


The learning age

European Centre reports

This guide records the results of a project which aimed to share good practice in providing learning opportunities for older people between organisations in Austria, Hungary, Ireland and the UK.


Stakeholders’ perspectives of quality in supported employment

European Centre reports

The impact of Supported Employment depends on functioning partnerships between the stakeholders in this process. Defining relevant quality criteria in Supported Employment from the point of view of the different stakeholders was the main target.



Suspensions of unemployment benefit payment and reclaims of unduly received benefits in Austria 1995-2001

European Centre reports

The paper was written as national (Austrian) information concerning suspensions of unemployment benefit payment for the study "Analytical and statistical tools for monitoring EU tax-benefits systems".



Volunteering into participation

European Centre reports

How does volunteering contribute to the prevention and combating of social exclusion: Volunteering strengthens individuals and enables them to grow; volunteering means, doing something worthwhile and enjoyable, while strengthening networks and self-confidence.

Please refer to the Annual Report of Activities for older publications