Young Carers and Young Adult Carers in Upper Austria

Status quo, fields of action and possible solutions


Heidemarie Staflinger




Kadi, S., Pot, M., Simmons, C., Leichsenring, K., Staflinger, H. (2023). Young Carers und Young Adult Carers in Oberösterreich. Status quo, Handlungsfelder und Lösungsansätze. Linz und Wien: Arbeiterkammer Oberösterreich & Europäisches Zentrum für Wohlfahrtspolitik und Sozialforschung.


Young carers and young adult carers are children and young people who (co-)provide informal care to someone in their social environment who lives with a long-term illness, disability or age-related difficulties.

The report analyses the situation of young carers and young adult carers in Upper Austria with a special focus on vocational guidance, education, training and job entry. It estimates the number of young carers and young adult carers in Upper Austria in the age group 16-29 based on different surveys, presents results from an interview study with young (adult) carers and experts on needs and preferences of young (adult) carers, and discusses existing and possible future support measures.

This report is written in German.