Mainstreaming ageing: Indicators to monitor implementation (II)

Second phase of the work programme



Eszter Zólyomi


René Czerny, Katrin Gasior, Kai Leichsenring, Orsolya Lelkes, Ricardo Rodrigues, Andrea E. Schmidt, Pieter Vanhuysse, Bernd Marin, Michael Fuchs


UNECE (Switzerland)


The European Centre has been mandated to undertake various follow-up activities of the so-called 'Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing' since 2002. This work was supported by the Austrian Government (through the Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs). The work has been undertaken in collaboration with and with the assistance of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Secretariat and its Population Ageing Unit (PAU) and the newly established UNECE Working Group on Ageing. This formal collaboration between the European Centre and UNECE, originally under the auspices of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Security, Generations and Consumer Protection, was laid down in 2004 in form of a 'Memorandum of Understanding'. A new Memorandum of Understanding between UNECE and EC has been signed in March 2009 extending the project until February 2014, after which the parties undertake to review the results of the cooperation and decide upon its continuation.


The main goal of the MA:IMI project is to provide scientific and technical assistance to governments in implementation and monitoring of their actions on ageing within the UNECE region (56 Member States) by the following steps:

  • To promote an exchange of information, experiences and good practices in ageing-related policies;
  • To carry out and foster data collection, research and analysis;
  • To maintain a network of organisations, national authorities, NGOs and other concerned bodies and individuals active in the field of ageing; and
  • To disseminate results.

An overview of work undertaken in the second phase of the MA:IMI project is summarised below:

  • Prepared annual reports and provided technical assistance to UNECE to help to review and evaluate the implementation of MIPAA / RIS in UNECE Member States.
  • Promoted exchange of information among experts, policy-makers and civil society by (co-)organizing and participating in various international conferences, workshops, and expert meetings.
  • Developed a comparative set of gender-specific mainstreaming ageing indicators and long-term care indicators, and collected and analysed data for these two sets of indicators.
  • Produced a number of publications, including three book publications, two EU Presidency Papers and several policy briefs, conference papers as well as journal articles, and disseminated findings through the website, newsletters, journals and at international conferences and workshops.


Austria, Cyprus, Belgium, France, Israel, Spain, Switzerland, UNECE and EC


01/2008 – 12/2012