Within the European Centre's Health and Care Research Team, we design, coordinate and implement projects in the fields of:
Our unit is composed of researchers and policy analysts from several backgrounds (e.g. economics, health economics, health and social policy, political science) with experience in a wide range of social scientific methods. Our core skills at the unit are comprised of:
Many of our projects are grounded in international cooperation and networks with partners from within the EU and beyond. Our funding partners include, among others, the European Commission, the World Bank, United Nations institutions, EUROFOUND, the European Social Network (ESN), NGOs, and various regional governments (e.g. Municipality of Vienna, Region of Alto Adige) and national ministries (e.g. Austrian Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, and the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs).
We aim to build bridges between stakeholders, sectors, countries, policies, and disciplines in the fields of health and long-term care and are currently developing cooperation with EU acceding countries of Eastern Europe and countries of the Eastern Partnership as part of the larger Bridge Building strategy of the European Centre.