Employment and Labour Mobility Research Team

Core thematic areas

Within the European Centre’s Employment and Labour Mobility research team we design, coordinate and implement projects in the fields of

  • employment and labour market policies;
  • labour mobility and labour migration; 
  • labour standards and working conditions; and
  • the relationship between workers, employers, and social partners.

Core expertise

Our unit employs researchers and policy advisers experienced in various social scientific methods. Our core research team expertise comprises:

  • Research: qualitative and quantitative research methods, especially comparative research, and case-studies. We have specific expertise in labour market and employment trends, innovative active labour market policy measures, labour mobility policy and patterns, labour migration, non-standard forms of employment, precarious work, digitalization of work, working conditions, labour and social rights, employers’ attitudes, and workers’ unionization.
  • Policy consultation: planning, monitoring and evaluation of employment and labour mobility programmes, policies, and enforcement. We have specific expertise in the exchange of best practices, mutual learning, networking of different stakeholders, social dialogue, and other consultation processes by using various formats such as focus groups, peer reviews, participatory designs of workshops and training methods.

Our clients

Many of our projects are based on international cooperation and networks with partners particularly from the EU and beyond. Our clients include, among others, the European Commission (e.g. DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, DG Research, DG REGIO), international organisations (e.g. Eurofound, ILO, UNDP, UNECE, UNFPA, World Bank, WHO), EU agencies (e.g. ELA), regional organizations (e.g. the Regional Cooperation Council of South East Europe), social partners (e.g. EFBWW,  FIEC), various ministries (e.g. the Austrian Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection, the Swedish Ministry of Health and Social Affairs), FWF Austrian Science Fund, the Austrian Chamber of Labour, regional authorities (e.g. the City of Vienna), and NGOs (e.g. Weber Shandwick).

Within the European Centre’s Bridging Function the ELM research team establishes a network with EU acceding countries of Eastern Europe and the countries of the Eastern Partnership in the areas of employment and labour mobility.
