Sabina Gjylsheni



MA in European Studies: Public Policy and Administration, Maastricht University (Netherlands)

MSc in Political Science and International Relations, Epoka University (Albania) 


Albanian (mother tongue), English, Italian, Turkish 


Phone: +43 1 319 45 05-76


Social inclusion, youth integration, political participation of immigrants, gender equality, anti-discrimination


Scoppetta, A., Birtha, M. & Gjylsheni, S. (2024). Mutual learning in social welfare in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership region - Publications - European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research. Vienna: European Centre.

Gjylsheni S., Birtha M., and Scopetta, A. (2024). Policy Review Report: Policy measures to mitigate the impact of the cost-of-living crisis on vulnerable groups - Publications - European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and Research Vienna: European Centre

Scoppetta, A., Stott, L. & Gjylsheni, S. (2024). Implementation of the partnership principle in the Western Balkans and the Eastern Partnership countries - Publications - European Centre for Social Welfare Policy and ResearchVienna: European Centre.

Gjylsheni, S., Birtha, M., Zólyomi, E. and Kadi, S. (2023). Policy Review Report: Gender Equality and Care for Relatives. Vienna: European Centre.

Birtha, M., Zólyomi, E., Wohlgemuth, F. and Gjylsheni, S. (2023). Targeted measures for persons with disabilities to cope with the cost-of-living crisisEuropean Parliament Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs Directorate-General for Internal Policies PE 754.127.

Scoppetta, A., Birtha, M., Gjylsheni, S. (2023). North Macedonia Peer Review Report: Deinstutionalisation of children and persons with disabilities. Vienna: European Centre.

Gjylsheni, S., Birtha, M. and Kadi, S. (2023). Evolving jobs, skills and training needs in the social services sector and the role of social partners in managing changesBrussels: European Federation of Public Service Unions.

Gjylsheni, S., Kayran, E. and Birtha, M. (2023). Policy Review Report: Monitoring and Evaluation of Social Protection Programmes. Vienna: European Centre.