Comparative political economy, platform economy, (active) labour market policies, trade unions, social dialogue and industrial relations, micro-simulations
Geyer, L., Vandaele, K. & Prinz, N. (2024). Riding together? Why app-mediated food delivery couriers join trade unions in Austria. Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol. 45(3), 835-858.
Geyer, L. & Durazzi, N. (2022). The politics of social inclusion in collective skill formation systems: actors, coalitions, and policies. In: Emmengger, P. & Bonoli, G. (Eds.). Collective Skill Formation in the Knowledge Economy. Oxford: Oxford University
Durazzi, N. & Geyer, L. (2022). Social (investment) partners? Trade unions’ social investment policy preferences and their role in the politics of social investment in Europe. In: Palier, B.,Häusermann, S. & Garritzmann, J. (Eds.), The World Politics of Social Investment. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Durazzi, N. & Geyer, L. (2022). Social inclusion and collective skill formation systems: Policy and politics. Journal of European Social Policy 32(1), 105-116.
Geyer, L. (2022). The Political Economy of Active Labour Market Policy for Young People. Dissertation. Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg.
Premrov, T., Geyer, L. & Prinz, N. (2021). Arbeit für alle? Kosten und Verteilungswirkung einer Jobgarantie für Langzeitbeschäftigungslose in Österreich. Materialien zu Wirtschaft und Gesellschaftest (No. 225.)
Durazzi, N. & Geyer, L. (2019). Social inclusion in the knowledge economy: Unions’ strategies and institutional change in the Austrian and German training systems. Socio-Economic Review 18 (1), 103-124.
Scoppetta, A., Davern, E. and Geyer, L. (2019). Job carving and Job crafting. European Commission. ESF Transnational Platform. Brussels: European Commission, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.