Past Projects

WHO LTC factsheet 2021 – WHO LTC Finance

01/02/2021 - 28/02/2021

Making the investment case for sustainable long-term care systems is a key concern of the Europe Roadmap for the Decade of Healthy Ageing, 2021-2030. The current project will aim to co-produce a fact sheet on Financing of long-term care. This will inform in a concise but non-technical way about the conceptual underpinnings of “universal coverage for long-term care”, illustrated with evidence/facts on a number of European countries from different parts of the WHO European Region.


SWaPOL - Social Work and Policing – SWaPOL

01/11/2018 - 28/02/2021

Exchange, cooperation and mutual trust between social workers and police officers are needed to fostering social inclusion of marginalised people in public places. A joint training has been developed and can be integrated in existing training schedules at schools of social work and in police academies.


Mapping promising social services and policy measures to support the independent living of older people – IL_OlderPeople

01/11/2019 - 31/01/2021

This project will create a framework to assess service provision for older people with care and support needs living in their home. The tool will be used to collect good practices from six European countries (AT, SE, ES, SI, PL, CH) on non-residential community-based services.


Distributional impact of asset contributions to residential care (Pflegeregress) in Austria – PFLEGEREGRESS

01/06/2019 - 31/01/2021

Following the abolishment of the asset contribution from users of residential care (Pflegeregress), this study aims to demonstrate the impact of this measure across the income and wealth distribution in Austria, as well as the impact of alternative funding mechanisms.


Posting of third country nationals – Con3Post

01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020

EU Member States sending and receiving ‘third-country nationals’, established cooperation, shared information and conducted research to outline challenges, future scenarios and strategic responses as regards the posting of workers in the EU construction sector.
