Past Projects

Posting of third country nationals – Con3Post

01/01/2019 - 31/12/2020

EU Member States sending and receiving ‘third-country nationals’, established cooperation, shared information and conducted research to outline challenges, future scenarios and strategic responses as regards the posting of workers in the EU construction sector.


Better Regulation Guidelines – BRG

17/08/2017 - 31/12/2020

Better Regulation Guidelines ensure that EU policies and laws are prepared in a transparent manner, informed by best available evidence and backed by comprehensive involvement of stakeholders to achieve the objectives at minimum cost.


The EUROMOD microsimulation model – EUROMODupdate2

01/02/2012 - 31/12/2020

EUROMODupdate2 draws on the first update round (2009-2011) and aims to further develop and update the EUROMOD microsimulation model. A Policy Update 2012–2020 and subsequent updates to 2010–12–14–15–16–17 and 2018 EU-SILC data (in 2020) are part of this round.


Feasibility Study for the programme “Reforming child protection systems: strengthening children’s rights” – SOSCV_Feasibility Study

01/06/2020 - 31/12/2020

This study will analyse the current child protection policies in Albania, Armenia, Belarus, North Macedonia and Ukraine and evaluate how a new SOS Children’s Villages Worldwide regional programme will contribute to the human rights of children in these countries.


Social isolation and loneliness among older people in Europe

10/01/2019 - 20/12/2020

Although loneliness has received increased attention in the public discourse and social media, more effort is needed to better understand this phenomenon and to develop and implement policies and interventions to combat its potential detrimental effects on the well-being and quality of life of older people. As a starting point, it is important to differentiate between different definitions, that are often used interchangably when reffering to loneliness. Loneliness, social isolation and being alone are distinct concepts. Loneliness should also not be mixed with depression. While there exists various definitions, loneliness is generally understood to be a negative, unpleasant feeling and experience that occurs when there is a discrepency between a person’s actual and desired social relationships. It is also very subjective. Social isolation, by contrast, concerns an objective experience of reduced social intercations and social ties. This study focused on both loneliness and social isolation. It identified relevant literature regarding the main factors associated with loneliness and social isolation and analysed results on the prevalence and different aspects of loneliness and social isolation from a European comparative perspective. Finally, it showcased a number of examples and good practice of targeted interventions from across Europe.
