The UN Decade of Healthy Ageing (2021-2030) emphasizes the need to develop and maintain the functional ability that enables well-being in older age. Functional ability is determined by the intrinsic capacity of an individual, but also the environment in which he or she lives and the interactions among them.
In this session we present an overview of trajectories into disability (i.e., physical health) in old-age as well as informal care provision with a strong emphasis on gender differences from the FutureGEN project. These trajectories will be presented using findings from a cohort analysis and the Data Navigator. They highlight shifts in disability (i.e. demand for care) and in provision of informal care (i.e. supply of care), from a gender viewpoint, showing indicators and regions where progress in gender equality has been made or is lagging behind. This will be supplemented by early findings from the qualitative study within FutureGEN gathering insights from older people themselves about the meaning and resources needed to age well.
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Existing social and economic inequalities have increased during the pandemic, thus menacing the ability to realise Sustainable Development Goal 10. We therefore need to work harder in combating inequalities from their onset. For instance, social exclusion at an early age has an impact on children’s and young people’s ability to succeed in later life and often creates a cycle of disadvantage across generations. In this session, we present findings as well as solutions from our projects Indicators for measuring child poverty and its combating in European cities, the situation analyses of children and adolescents in Croatia and Moldova as well as about preventive social measures to reduce juvenile delinquency and gang crime.
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The world of work is constantly changing and with it the challenges regarding workers’ labour and social rights. In this session, we discuss ongoing research and findings that investigate atypical forms of employment such as posted work, undeclared work, and food delivery in the platform and gig economy. We discuss how factors such as fragmentation of labour, flexibilization of employment, and their overlap with cross-border mobility increase workers’ risk of abuse. Furthermore, we present a new project on platform workers' working conditions and attitudes towards trade unions. We will draw on (interim) results of on-going projects such as POW-BRIDGE (Bridging the gap between legislation and practice in the posting of workers), Posting.Stat (Enhancing the collection and analysis of national data on intra-EU posting), SMUG (Secure Mobility: Uncovering gaps in the social protection of posted workers), our research on delivery riders’ working conditions (Ridersurvey) and experiences from a Peer Review on undeclared work.
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The Bridging function of the European Centre shares with the UN Agenda 2030 a focus on promoting international cooperation. Our Bridge Building activities aim at strengthening social policies across the European region by facilitating multilateral knowledge transfers and joint learning. During the session, we will describe the principles that guide our work, emphasizing the identification of common needs and challenges, inclusiveness and exchange at the same eye level, the co-creation of innovative approaches and the participatory implementation of solutions, as well as evaluation and progress monitoring.
Throughout the session we reference materials and provide examples which draw on awide range of on-going projects such as the BB Peer Reviews & Trainings, InCARE (Supporting INclusive development of community-based long-term CARE services through multi-stakeholder participatory approaches), the updated review of the performance of Western Balkan economies regarding the European Pillar of Social Rights, UNICEF-Moldova, and POW-BRIDGE.
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The European Pillar of Social Rights is one of the key EU strategies with a clear reference to the social rights of European citizens. This entails protecting people in vulnerable life situations, for example by providing housing and employment opportunities but also to care for people with disabilities and older people in need of long-term care. Both these challenges are addressed under the principles of the Pillar of Social Rights, albeit remaining in the competence of Member States. In this session we shall discuss how Member States and the EU can collaborate to ensure access to adequate, affordable and equitable care as well as to affordable housing to avoid homelessness across the European Union.
Findings will be presented from our studies Mapping trends and policies to tackle homelessness in Europe, an Estimation of Non-Take-Up of Housing Allowance in Upper Austria, and form a project developing European policy options for long-term care.
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