Current Projects

Sustainable and socially just transnational sectoral labour markets – JUSTMIG

01/11/2023 - 31/10/2025

The JUSTMIG project combines innovative research and data collection on labour market dynamics in both service and manufacturing sub-sectors across 6 EU Member States where fixed-term contracting of migrant workers occurs, and 3 candidate countries as source countries for workers. Besides sectoral labour market and employment relation analysis, the 8 experienced consortium partners will also develop expertise on the adjustment of industrial relations structures in the selected countries in response to increased employment of migrant workers on fixed-term or outsourced temporary contracts. Starting from the development and application of innovative participatory methodology, the project addresses and involves social partners and labour market institutions throughout the project.


Diversity-sensitive care of older people with migration background – DISCOPMB

01/10/2022 - 30/09/2025

The project aims to improve person-centred and diversity-sensitive care for older people with migration background through the development of a training program, open educational resources and policy recommendations.


Recovering workers’ data to negotiate and monitor collective agreements in the platform economy – GDPoweR

01/10/2023 - 30/09/2025

GDPoweR is a collaborative research project on industrial relations in the platform economy, involving seven organizations from five countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Poland, Spain). It focuses on two sectors - ride-hailing and food delivery - and explores what worker data is collected by platform companies and how this affects workers, what strategies are used by social partners to negotiate and implement collective agreement and how the implementation of such agreements can be monitored and enforced. A central method used is the recovery of worker data through GDPR requests and the joint analysis of this data by workers and researchers.


EUROMOD-JRC web interface update – EM-web

01/07/2021 - 30/06/2025

The EUROMOD-JRC web interface is an online tool that provides a simplified access to the tax-benefit microsimulation model EUROMOD. Users can implement simple tax reforms and analyse their fiscal and distributional effects. The project aim is to populate and update the parameters of the EUROMOD-JRC interface, which can subsequently be modified by users.


COhort cOmmunity Research and Development Infrastructure Network for Access Throughout Europe – COORDINATE

01/04/2021 - 31/03/2025

COORDINATE facilitates improved access to existing survey data on child wellbeing, increase longitudinal survey capacity across Europe, extend the Growing Up in Digital Europe (GUIDE/Eurocohort) survey network, and initiate the GUIDE survey with a large-scale cohort pilot survey in Croatia, Finland, France and Ireland.
