The ESF Transnational Platform has issued another policy papers that is resuming discussions held by the Thematic Network Employment (ETN). The paper Socially innovative entrepreneurship has been written by Anette Scoppetta, employment expert of the ETN and Leonard Geyer, researcher at the European Centre. The paper summarizes the state of play of EU Member States on innovative practices in the field of entrepreneurship and provides recommendations drawn by ETN members.
The Socially innovative entrepreneurship paper discusses the relationship between the concepts of 'entrepreneurship' and 'social innovation', both within the current and future activities of the European Social Fund (ESF). It builds on desk research, input received and discussions held during the meeting of the Employment Transnational Network that took place 19-20 March 2019 in Berlin, Germany. The paper presents overlaps and differences between those concepts and provides insights into current activities of ESF Managing Authorities and their partner organisations. Practices are presented and recommendations drawn for future activities within the ESF, such as increased offers for coaching and mentoring for entrepreneurs. Moreover, the paper stresses the need for building ‘enabling ecosystems’ that are necessary for socially innovative entrepreneurs to introduce new products, services or practices and for developing policy frameworks within the ESF (and beyond) that reflect the varying requirements of vulnerable groups when starting a business.