The final conference of the POSTING.STAT project took place at the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium on the 20th May 2022. The conference was attended by the partners and associated partners of the project consortium, representatives of EU institutions and social partners, as well as the academic community. Our colleagues, Sonila Danaj and Leonard Geyer presented the findings of the Posting.STAT Austria Country Report. After the presentation of the ten country case studies, the conference concluded with a panel discussion composed of Carita Rammus, European Commission DG EMPL, Marco Rocca, UNISTRA - University of Strasbourg, Hilde Thys, AGORIA / CEEMET - Council of European Employers of the Metal, Engineering and Technology-based industries, Jonathan Cornah, EFBWW - European Federation of Building and Woodworkers and Bart Stalpaert, Social Information and Investigation Service - Belgium. The conference programme and presentations are available here.