Posted Workers in the European Union: Facts and Figures

Comparative Report


Frederic de Wispelaere

Lynn de Smedt

Jozef Pacolet




De Wispelaere F., De Smedt L. & Pacolet, J. (2022). Posted workers in the European Union. Facts and figures. Leuven: POSTING.STAT project VS/2020/0499.


In the comparative report of the Posting.STAT project, the authors de Wispelaere, de Smedt and Pacolet draw on the posting data from the country reports on Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland,Slovenia and Spain. The report discusses definitions, data collection and analysis, followed by comparative findings on the scale, characteristics and impact of intra-EU posting, the impact of intra-EU posting on the economic actors involved, scale and characteristics of infringements related to intra-EU posting, and provides conclusions and recommendations on the importance of statistics in evidence based policymaking.