The social investment approach in Western Balkan and Eastern Partnership countries


Kai Leichsenring, European Centre (Austria)



Adi Buxbaum, Chamber of Labour Vienna (Austria)

Sonja Avlijaš, University of Belgrade (Serbia)


Leonard Geyer, European Centre (Austria)



The 5th BBinar discussed what role the social investment approach to social welfare policies can and should play in supporting sustainable development in the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partnership countries. The invited experts discussed the costs and potential of social investment policies, preconditions and pitfalls for social investment contributing to inclusive growth and how the ‘return on social investment’ can be quantified. There was agreement among the invited experts that inclusive growth requires both well-designed and targeted social investment policies as well as social protection systems. The BBinar further provided an opportunity for exchanges between representatives of organisations in the region with the panel and the Austrian social attaché in Skopje, Harald Fugger.