International seminar: A Research Agenda for Ageing and Social Policy – Book launch event



Population ageing will continue to shape the global transformations during the 21st century. The accumulated knowledge on ageing has therefore gained in its scope and importance, but related challenges for social policies remain underestimated and even neglected.

Kai Leichsenring and Alexandre Sidorenko have edited a book that takes stock of salient issues with a wide range of inter-disciplinary experts. Based on contributions from gerontology, economy, political sciences, sociology and other social sciences they propose a future-oriented research agenda designed to inform and stimulate social policy responses to ageing and longevity. 

This international seminar serves to launch the book to a wider audience to discuss with selected authors, how these transitions can be shaped and facilitated by social policy interventions to ensure more equal chances for all, less ageism and better adaptation to technological change – from active and healthy ageing, digitalized labour markets and long-term care to intergenerational community-building, innovative services and new types of benefit systems.

Register and read more about the international seminar by clicking the link on the right-hand side.